Latest Reviews
08 February 2024  |  Ebehi

I bought this soap a few weeks back and it was shipped really fast. I have been using it to bath everyday and it has been amazing. I feel soo clean after using it

Accepted Payment Methods

Currently wonly accept Bank transfer 

Below are our account details: 


Account Holder: Emiconnects Ltd

Sort code: 30-54-66

Account number: 10990060

BANK: Lloyds Bank


Account Holder: Emiconnects Ltd

Account Name: 30045371

Sort Code: 50-00-00

Bank: NatWest Bank


International Buyers 

Account Holder: Emiconnects Ltd


IBAN: GB39LOYD30546610990060

BANK: Lloyds Bank


Account Holder: Emiconnects Ltd

IBAN: GB80NWBK50000030045371


Bank: NatWest Bank


Please use the order number as payment reference or alternatively use the name on the order as payment reference 


Alternatively You Can Send Your Payment through Western Union or Moneygram

Name: Oritsebemigho Emi Atiene